1. Navigate to ows.openeye.net. Use the email address the administrator used to set up the account and the password you created after accepting the invitation.
2. After logging in, it will take you to the main page. At the top you will see options.
a. Web Connect – view cameras and recorders
b. Alerts – see alert history or active alerts for the recorders you have access to
c. Reports – view any reports extracted from recorders (day/night picture captures, system status, etc)
d. Video – where any video clips will be saved
3. Select Web Connect, then select Connect to view the recorder of your choosing.
You are now connected to the recorder and
cameras attached to that recorder.
5. If you have more than 4 cameras you can change your grid view in the top right screen to display all cameras at once.
6. To search recorded videos, select search in the top left corner